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Posts from December2013

Drunk Driving Assemblies Filming @ Seattle Area Middle Schools

Posted by Leonard on December, 20, 2013

In November I was hired by a Washington DC based nonprofit to film a series of events at Seattle area schools. The nonprofit is a foundation that administers the funds required by law from the Liquor Industry to fund drunk driving and youth alcohol education programs. The foundation puts on assemblies in middle schools every year in every state in the US. Typically they have celebrities and local political leaders give a talk about the threat of underage drinking and the horrors associated with drunk driving. They also use an interactive video game which a select group of students play in front of the rest of the audience that includes physical exercise and answering true or false questions about alcohol, human behavior, and the body. At the Seattle school event district school super intendent Jose Banda was the keynote speaker, and in Issiquah was Dave Reichert, former King County Sheriff and current Republican congressman from the east side.

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