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Posts from April2011

New Video: Green Leadership @ Seattle’s Professional Sports Stadiums

Posted by Leonard on April, 26, 2011

Fresh off our recently announced 3rd Emmy nomination, I again teamed up with friend and colleague Penny Legate to produce another story for The Seattle Channel program City Stream. In addition to my work with private clients, I continue to freelance with The Seattle Channel as a cameraman and editor, doing stories mainly about sustainability, the environment and overall people and organizations engaged in positive work in our community. Though the pay isn’t great, I enjoy doing work for broadcast and seeing my work on television. This year The Seattle Channel was nominated for overall station excellence and the broad spectrum of programming is a great reflection of the character of our city, far beyond just covering boring city council meetings.

For the last 2 years Cedar Grove Composting has been one of Pangeality Production’s best clients, and when I learned that they were composting all of the food scraps and packaging at the main sports stadiums here, I thought it’d make a great story for City Stream. I was especially impressed by their partnership with Safeco and Qwest Fields, the homes of Seattle’s MLB team the Mariners and NFL team the Seahawks.

Seattle Channel Video can be played in Flash Player 9 and up
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New Client Video Submission For TED2012 Full Spectrum Auditions

Posted by Leonard on April, 21, 2011

Recently, I had the opportunity to create a submission video for a former client applying to The TED2012 Full Spectrum Auditions. Last year I’d worked with Emily Lauderback of Color In Space to create a series of videos to market and promote her ‘Dwelling Palettes’ and to share her talk “The Feng Shui of Color”. She was particularly excited about the synchronicity between her work with full spectrum paints, and the TED idea of Full Spectrum reflecting “the rich use of technologies, formats and styles to make an impact on an audience”. Emily is a Seattle based color consultant, and she’d contacted me with limited time before the application deadline. Below is the video I created on short notice using the content we’d produced for previous projects, but integrating new still images and edited down to the 1 minute submission requirement, which needed to be uploaded to YouTube, then linked to in the application.

Emily’s unique Dwelling Palettes are 8 themed color palettes she’s created that people can purchase on her website to coordinate color schemes for their painting projects and decorating plans. The 8 customized palettes include: Bungalow, Cabana, Penthouse, Cottage, Estate, Hut, Cabin, and Villa, and are described with pairings like organic and calm, rich and earthy, elegant and refined, etc.

“Using the Color in Space approach means that the twelve colors in the palette may be used as the roadmap for your entire interior. Don’t just think of the swatches as paint! One color could work as your sofa, another as the rug, and another as a dominant color in a piece of art. Don’t stop there, use them to guide the tile on the backsplash in your kitchen too! You will then have the confidence that the color you choose from the palette for the paint will certainly flow with the other decor items and architectural finishes you have. The twelve colors complement each other and overall create a very harmonious atmosphere. ”

The video showcases Emily’s public speaking skills, introduces the concept of ‘metamerism’, and highlights some of her portfolio. If her submission is accepted, Emily’ll be flying to Manhattan in May to audition live with the TED judges. Good luck to Emily, and here’s to hoping that the world may one day be exposed to ‘metamerism’ and the changing character of color by sun and light.

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New Client Testimonial Videos Up

Posted by Leonard on April, 10, 2011

One of the ways that I wanted to be reaching out to potential new clients is by sharing the experiences that some of my best clients in the green and sustainable business sectors have had working with Pangeality Productions, and then to use those testimonials on my website, YouTube channel and Facebook Fan Page. I wanted to hear about how the actual production process worked for them, how they felt about the finished product, and the feedback and engagement they’ve had with the videos since they began integrating them into their online presence. I was grateful that they were willing to participate and really quite pleased with what I was hearing about how our work was working for them and their businesses. Thanks again to Susan Thoman, Marketing and Outreach Director for Cedar Grove Composting, Pete Knutson, Owner of Loki Fish, and Mary Rose, Executive Director of The Network for Business Innovation and Sustainability.

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