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Livable Greenlake Uses Video to Rally Commmunity Against Planned Development with Limited Parking Spots

Posted by Leonard on January, 15, 2016

Livable Greenlake is a community organization representing East Greenlake. Recently they’ve rallied to oppose a proposed 45 unit apartment complex that will provide only 13 subcompact parking spaces. Pangeality Productions was hired to record a public meeting convened with representatives of the City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development. Event planners invited people to ‘learn about the developer-paid traffic and parking study that Seattle DPD is supposed to review, listen to nearby business owners talk about the impact on their businesses and futures, and hear the stories of local residents who already struggle to find parking on their own street.’ It’s my understanding that the city was willing to allow this proposed project based on the proximity to East Greenlake being a transit hub, access to multiple buses and future Roosevelt light rail station therefor allowing new units to be built without designated parking as a way of increasing density. It’s a real Catch 22 as to whether or not allowing this type of development has the intended consequence of reducing reliance on automobiles or whether or not new owners simply park on street, leading to further congestion in areas such as this.

Public Meeting With Seattle DPD on the Environmental Impact of Proposed Project 417 NE 73RD ST from MacGillFhaolain on Vimeo.

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