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Posts from November2014

Filming WA Gov Jay Inslee on Climate Tour stop in Seattle’s South Park and Beacon Hill Neighborhoods

Posted by Leonard on November, 23, 2014

Did some work this week with local nonprofit Climate Solutions, filming events associated with WA Gov Jay Inslee’s Climate Tour stops in Seattle’s South Park and Beacon Hill neighborhoods. At first, I was among the broadcast news outlets basically running ahead of the governor, trying to get shots of him being lead on a quick neighborhood tour before meeting with community leaders and local residents first at the South Park community Center then at the Centro de la Raza on Beacon Hill. Both meetings dealing with the impact of climate change on low income communities and local environmental concerns.

Gov Inslee in South Park at a children's playground next to the adjacent freeway.

Gov Inslee in South Park at a children’s playground next to the adjacent freeway.

Somali community leader addressing WA Gov Jay Inslee at South Park Community Center in Seattle on WA Climate Tour.

Somali community leader addressing WA Gov Jay Inslee at South Park Community Center in Seattle on WA Climate Tour.

Gov Inslee at South Park Community Center listening to residents and community leaders talk about air pollution and other environmental concerns.

Gov Inslee at South Park Community Center listening to residents and community leaders talk about air pollution and other environmental concerns.

Seattle Chief Sealth High School students presenting their research to WA Gov Jay Inslee at South park Community Center

Seattle Chief Sealth High School students presenting their work to WA Gov Jay Inslee at South park Community Center

WA Gov Jay Inslee meeting with community leaders  at Climate Tour stop at Centro de la Raza in Seattle.

WA Gov Jay Inslee meeting with community leaders at Climate Tour stop at Centro de la Raza in Seattle.

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Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center – 2014 Year in Review Video

Posted by Leonard on November, 5, 2014

The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center is assisting businesses, government and nonprofits with practical solutions for economic and environmental vitality. It’s a nonprofit organization that works to research and produce high quality, unbiased pollution prevention (P2) information, in order to promote environmental protection through pollution prevention. PPRC believes that environmental and economic vitality go hand in hand, and that both are necessary to protect the high quality of life enjoyed in our region. It’s this unique position that enables PPRC to be available to sometimes adversarial parties who need to work together but often find it challenging to both share their challenges and problems openly while also working within the confines of the laws and regulations. They do impressive work that has truly meaningful impacts and consequences.

Over the past few years we’ve worked together on a number of video projects and I’ve always enjoyed the work we’ve done together. Specifically I’ve enjoyed making visits to the sites where we film, to port facilities, solar installations, factories and other industrial and manufacturing locations. I especially enjoyed when working on the Zinc in stormwater project, getting the chance to film in the skies above Seattle to highlight the proximity of industry and potential pollution sources all along the Duwamish River corridor.
Each year PPRC hosts a regional roundtable to bring together players in the Pollution Prevntion (P2) sector to network and share around the issues and challenges they’re working to address. This year PPRC hired Pangeality Productions to put together a year in review video to open the conference at a downtown hotel. The video highlights PPRC’s ongoing work on the Solarize Bellevue campaign, The Green Sports Directory, their work with WA craft breweries, spray and paint efficiency trainings, and their wildly successful Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) program. I was also onhand to film the keynote speech and other related workshops. It’s always special to stand in the back of a packed room and see your work projected live onto a big screen. I look forward to more wiork together in the years to come.

PPRC 2014 FINAL from Pangeality Productions on Vimeo.

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